
Going the extra mile.

The Courtyard Clinic’s first priority is customer care with a bespoke service, and the very best dentistry. All of our patients receive a phone call or text message to tell them their appointment is due, and we will contact them the day after or two days after their treatment just to make sure all is well […]

General dentistry

  Someone came to the surgery the other day, and…. this happens a fair bit….. they apologised for their teeth. It reminded us that we should put  ‘something on the website’ about this, as we’re really not here to judge anyone and people should not feel the need to be embarrassed (even if it is human nature) […]

Bite splint

Do you suffer from dizziness, headaches, earaches, face, head, neck, shoulder or back pain? You could be suffering fromTMJ (temporomandibular joint) syndrome. Splint/jaw repositioning appliances are used as a treatment to eliminate the bite disharmony and resulting problems that can occur in some individuals. Dr. George and Dr. Dodia have considerable experience in these types […]

All these different crowns which one to choose?

Choosing what crown to have can be very confusing. An informed decision would be made by you the patient after thorough discussion with your dentist at The Courtyard Clinic. It’s your dentist’s job to help educate you about your mouth and how it works. Only by understanding your mouth can you understand what treatment would […]

Courtyard Staff attending Courses!

Last week the two dentists, Yasmin and Amit, along with their nurses, Sue and Mel, enjoyed a full day learning tecniques for ‘four handed’ dentistry. With a few tweaks here and there to their routines and positioning when they are working, they are finding each appointment more comfortable for themselves and their patients.

Pictures before and after whitening

Tooth whitening is a perfect solution if your teeth are not as white as you wish. The latest ‘Beyond’ whitening can lighten your teeth by up to eight shades in a single appointment. Why not give your loved one something special this Christmas? For example, a tooth whitening package, which also includes a free consultation. […]

Am I too old for braces?

No! Treatment can start at any age. Adults in their 50’s have had succcessful treatment. ‘Invisible’ braces are more popular with adults…these can be aligner based (such as Invisalign) or fixed metal braces put on the insides of the teeth where they don’t show. Here at The Courtyard Clinic, we offer a variety of techniques […]

Will my teeth move after orthodontic treatment?

Yes, unless proper retainers are fitted and worn as we advise. Retainers can be removable or fixed in….Full advice is given on this at the start of    treatment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         At The Courtyard Clinic our courses of treatment include retainers at no extra charge.

What are Composite fillings?

Don’t you find sometimes when you go to your dentist you just don’t know what they are talking about. Mrs. Jones we are going to put a “composite filling” on this tooth. What is a composite filling? Well let me try and explain. As long as I can remember there has been various types of […]

What is an implant?

Dental implants offer a permanent solution for your missing teeth. Loose dentures or embarrassing gaps in your smile can become a thing of the past. Everyone deserves a beautiful smile. Each implant is placed into a socket at the precise location of the intended new tooth, and then a crown is placed on the implant. It […]