
The Courtyard Clinic

Colgate Luminous Professional Whitening

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Welcome to The Courtyard Clinic’s most convenient way to whiten your teeth. If you find it hard to wear trays in the night or want the most fuss free method of whitening your teeth, we have the answer for you!

Colgate’s luminous professional whitening can only be prescribed by a dental professional as medical grade bleach is provided which you simply cannot buy over the counter or online. Also you must ensure you have no dental disease before you embark on any type of tooth whitening.

All you need is a whitening pen, the at home light device and 10 minutes of your time per day for 2 weeks! Whitening has never been so simple.

No trays   No gel   Walk away today


Colgate luminous
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Top Tips

– If possible, take a picture of your teeth or make note of the shade. 

– The first time you use it, you will have to click the pen around 20 times to get the serum flowing. 

– Use your kit after brushing and before you go to sleep 

– Dry 3 to 4 teeth with a tissue or paper towel thoroughly before applying the serum. The drier the tooth, the better the result.

– Use a click per tooth.

– Use a dry cloth or tissue to clean the pen and replace the cap when you have finished. 

– Charge your LED device regularly.

– Repeat this consistently for 10 days, do not miss a day. Stick to a ‘whitening diet’ while using it.

– Should you wish to use longer than 10 days, it is safe to do so.