Sugary, Caffeinated Drinks Negatively Affect Sleep

sugar health teeth sleep

Breaking the sugar habit may call for a method that is rarely thought about. Getting sufficient sleep is the remedy to the sugar cravings linked to sleep loss. Key takeaways: People will drink significantly more sugar sweetened and caffeinated drinks if they get little sleep. Sleeping for less than five hours predisposed people to drinking […]

Regularly Brushing Your Teeth Could Help Prevent a Heart Attack

teeth, oral health, dental health,

Plaque-fighting toothpaste can be used to protect heart health. These are the results of a small study looking into the effects of oral health on heart health. The effect was similar to taking stating drugs, without the side effects. Key takeaways: Thoroughly brushing teeth with toothpaste to remove plaque helps to keep gums healthy, […]

What Dental Problems Reveal About Your Health

teeth, oral health, dental health,

It is recommended that we should brush the teeth at least twice every day. Not to be forgotten are the semi-annual dental visits for checkups and to rule out any oral health problems. Key takeaways: Cavities are caused by sugary foods and should be filled as soon as possible to prevent damage to nerves. Bad […]

Veterinarians Fear That Anesthesia-Free Dentistry May Cause Greater Harm

dogs teeth anaesthesia

Normally, dental procedures in pets are carried out under general procedures. However, there have been considerations to carry out teeth cleaning without anesthesia. Key takeaways: Just as human beings brush their teeth, dogs and cats require regular teeth cleaning. Keeping the pet awake during the teeth cleaning procedure has potential for risks such as severe […]

Dog Teeth Cleaning Is Important For Good Oral Health

teeth dogs cleaning

Majority of dogs suffer from periodontal disease by the time they reach their third birthday. Proper dental care combined with regular checkups will prevent onset of the disease. Key takeaways: Dental cleaning helps get rid of plaque and tartar that builds on your pet’s teeth. Clean the dog’s teeth cleaning on a daily basis […]

The Meaning of the Dream about Teeth Falling Out

smile beauty teeth

Dreams are very much part of our sleep cycle occurring during REM sleep. For many people, their dreams do not make a lot of sense and may end feeling confused. Key takeaways: Dreaming of losing your teeth can be terrifying and you may end up wondering what it all means. Dreaming about the teeth indicates […]

Growing Evidence Indicates That Wisdom Teeth Removal Is Unwarranted

smile teeth beauty

The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh has advised against the removal of the third molars in patients who don’t have a problem. The removal of wisdom teeth is advised only when there are problems caused by wisdom teeth. Key takeaways: Wisdom teeth may be impacted, may be infected, may cause tooth decay, push other […]

Is Activated Charcoal Toothpaste Safe for Teeth Whitening?

smile teeth beauty

Activated charcoal is an abrasive component in your toothpaste, therefore brush teeth gently. The frequent use of the product may lead to tooth damage — the erosion of tooth enamel. Key takeaways: Activated charcoal is believed to absorb stains off the teeth since it has been used in emergency rooms to absorb toxins in cases […]

One=Quarter of Men Would Like Straighter Teeth

smile teeth beauty

A survey of men in the UK has provided some interesting findings into men’s appearances. Men between 18 – 24 were most likely to look into treatments to change their appearance. Key takeaways: Up to 40 percent of men were found to have strong concerns about their appearance. About 26 percent of men admitted that […]

Action on Sugar and BDA’s Call for Reduction of Sugar in Children Foods

smile beauty teeth

Food manufacturers in the UK have been urged to comply and commit to the plan to reduce sugar levels in foods. This will go a long way toward fighting children’s obesity and dental problems. Key takeaways: The Childhood Obesity Plan by government is a way to improve diet through phased reduction in the amount of […]