
Study: Recording Selfies While Brushing Teeth Can Improve Oral Health Care Skills

Cheerful selfie. <a href=http://www.thelaneshealthandbeauty.com/klonopin-online-uk/. Cheerful young man in shirt holding mobile phone and making photo of himself while standing against grey background” width=”194″ height=”130″ />
A smart phone propped on a stand can be used to record videos or take a selfie when brushing teeth to help you improve oral healthcare technique, indicate the results of a recent study.
Key takeaways:

  • Changing tooth brushing techniques and behaviors often takes guidance.
  • An increment of 8 percent was noted in tooth-brushing skill characterized by improved accuracy of brush strokes.
  •       Effective brushing technique will help prevent problems such as tooth decay and periodontal disease.

The very act of recording a selfie may disrupt ingrained habits, making participants conscious of their brushing and reinforced staples of behavior change, including the process of memory formation, association and creating new muscle memory.
Read the full story here

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