
Prevention is better than the cure- Fissure sealants for children in Surrey

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends placing dental sealants on the first permanent molars (at around 6 years of age) and the second permanent molars (which come in around 12 years of age).
Why? –Well, basically there are a lot of studies that say placing sealants help reduce the incidence of cavities. Does it mean you will never get cavities?–no, it still can happen, but sealants can reduce the kind of cavities that form in the pits and grooves of the back teeth,  on the top of the tooth–you still can get them in between the teeth and on the smooth surfaces.
How long do they last?–Even with a well-placed sealant, dentists do see cavities form in areas previously sealed. Sometimes the sealant wears off (chewing ice for instance), or sometimes just because someone is very prone to cavities. They last from 5 to 7 years if you take care of them–even adults can get sealants, but they seem to be most effective in the cavity prone years of youth. What is the material? It is the same material as used in white fillings without as much filler/reinforcing material, it’s a Bis-GMA resin, With less filler, the sealant can flow into the grooves better as shown in the picture above. Sometimes we use a “flowable” composite which is in between in its characteristics.
Does it hurt?–We like to say it’s like painting fingernails–it is just painted on the tooth–now that can be harder than you think as these teeth are in the back of the mouth. Most of the effort is to keep the area dry.
Do you put them on baby teeth?–you can, but generally no. The enamel in baby teeth is different microscopically, they don’t seem to stay as well. It is often better to simply have regular checkups to catch things early. Also, many cavities in baby teeth are in between the teeth which sealants do not prevent.
If you feel your child has not had fissure sealants placed and would like to protect their back teeth through the difficult years of childhood then contact Alison for an appointment at The Courtyard Clinic on 01932582949 or email on reception@thecourtyardclinic.com .

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