
Further questions over safety of dental amalgam

This link shows a trailer for an upcoming documentary on questioning the safety of dental amalgam for use in fillings. Here at The Courtyard Clinic we are a mercury free practice and no longer use dental amalgam. The British Dental Association and Department of Health currently view dental amalgam as safe for purpose in the NHS and the majority of dental practices in the UK continue to use the material. In other areas such as in Scandinavia the material is no longer used.
As a practice we have made the decision to no longer use amalgam fillings containing mercury instead opting for modern white filling materials which are mercury free, and are designed to look as ordertramadol close to natural teeth as possible. We remove all of our dental amalgam using high volume suction to remove the vapour as well as carrying out the procedure under a seal called rubber dam,  which isolates the mouth from the amalgam vapour.
If you are concerned about the mercury in your fillings and would like to have a chat or a complimentary consultation,  to discuss upgrading them for more modern white materials then please give us a call on 01932 582949 or book in online.

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